Saturday, October 26, 2013

I Think I Like High School.

{taylor, mckenna, me, katelyn, rebekah}
last night was the last home game of the season, so behind the stands student council were throwing red and blue powder paint everywhere and smacking students with pantyhose filled with the powder. It was really quite hilarious. Overall, it was a super fun night!
Pretty much I've come to the realization that I really just love high school. The fact that I've been through elementary school, junior high, and am now starting my last four years of high school is absolutely insane.

Also, I've realized that some people are just really nice. A girl in one of my classes, that I barely know, said "hey" to me the other day. We got new seats in a class a few weeks ago, and the kid I sit next to now totally introduced himself! (I feel like we need more people like that in this world) Some guy at the game last night let these kids put face paint all over him, his shirt, his arms, all over - it was pretty awesome. People are just amazing.

Life is pretty great. 

Happy Saturday!

Sunday, October 13, 2013


This last week was October Break, which was glorious because, I mean, no school for a week! Really, it was a great break. Especially because I got to go to Boston with my mom and dad to visit my sister and her family!

We left early Saturday morning to catch our 8:30 plane to Boston. We first landed in Kansas, letting people off there and getting a new crew of attendants, then we took off again to Boston, only to take a detour to Maryland when we were only 20 minutes from Boston. Why? Something was wrong with the plane and there was no one to fix it in Massachusetts, only Maryland. So we had to get off and on to another plane and by the time we landed in Boston it was 7:00 PM EST (10:00 PM in AZ time).

The next day, we walked around Harvard campus, it was fun to see some of the things there, but the weather was the best part!

{jumping in front of Harvard library}

{petra, me, rilla, lars}

When we got back we watched the LDS General Conference (semi-annual conference sessions where latter day saints hear and listen to talks given by latter day prophets and apostles - learn more here).

After that conference session, we went to the Mount Auburn cemetery. This cemetery is the first garden cemetery in America and has graves of people dating back to the 1700's. At the cemetery, there is Washington Tower, which was built to commemorate George Washington. The cemetery was super pretty and was even prettier from the top.

We also passed by George Washington's headquarters and decided to look around! We couldn't go inside because of the government shutdown, but we walked around the front and back. It was so crazy to think that Washington himself was there thinking about the war and life.

{front steps}

{the garden in the back}

On Monday, first we took a walk by the Charles River and over the John W. Weeks Bridge. Later, we went to Harvard Square and looked around, which was super interesting!

{John W. Weeks Bridge}

{rubbing John Harvard's toe for good luck}

Tuesday, we took a drive to Cape Ann. It was the first time I had been to the Atlantic Ocean, which was pretty exciting!

Wednesday was my niece, Petra's, birthday! She decided she wanted to go apple picking, the idea was super cute to me, so I was super excited! It was fun and the apples were delicious. Also, we went to the Louisa May Alcott house, which was built before the Revolutionary War!

{the whole crew - 1. chelsea, mom, dad, me; 2. lars, rilla, petra}
Our last day, Thursday, we walked around the Boston temple, which was super pretty, and did the Freedom Trail. The Freedom Trail was super amazing. I love American history and thinking that the Revolution had happened there almost brought me to tears. We stopped by places like Paul Revere's grave and house, the site of the Boston Massacre, and tons more. Walking along the same streets as the first Americans did really blew my mind.

{Boston, MA temple}

{Freedom Trail}

Overall, the trip was amazing, and I'm a bit sad that there's school tomorrow.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blogging From Boston

Greetings from Boston, Massachusetts readers! I'm here with my mom and dad visiting my sister, Chelsea. So far, it's been super fun! Visiting my nieces and nephew, looking at houses from the 1700's, and seeing all the historical things (I quite love history).

Anyways, I was on iTunes yesterday when I saw the single of the week and thought I might check it out! I'm sort of in love so, here!

I would of put up the music video, but it's copyrighted so it can't be played on other websites, so here's the link to that if you wish to watch!

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Love Club

loving this girl's music. check her out.