Monday, January 28, 2013

Blog Makeover&Music Monday

Yep!  I went ahead and with the extra time I had because of my sickness, I redid my blog.. Again.  Haha!  It's black and white, because I love that.

I'll probably be making new buttons soon, but otherwise, everything is changed and updated {including all of my pages above!}

Anywho, today is Music Monday and I haven't really been listening to anything but the Biebs for the past week, but, I will share a couple songs I was obsessed with before my Biebster dedication began.

Demi Lovato.  Period.  Her newer music is golden and oh-so lovely.  I love it!

I'm sort of obsessed with the whole album {that I don't own yet!!}, but here are my favorites:



  1. It looks GREAT! That's always a good way to spend extra time.

  2. Hi! new follower! :)
    Your blog design is awesome, black and white always looks so professional!
    I love Demi Lovato too, although I haven't heard a couple songs you mentioned. I'll have to give them a listen!
    Hope you're having a great New Year!

    1. Thanks. Yeah, I'm super obsessed with black and white at the moment.

      Demi Lovato's heartfelt songs are amazing, so relate-able.

      I am! Hope you are too!


  3. Hi Sarah!

    I like your blog a lot. I love the simplicity of it all. Very different than what I have seen lately from others. I hope you get to feeling better soon, and I'll definitely be keeping an eye out on your blog. I really can't wait to read more!

    Brani Laine
    That's Just Lovely...
