Monday, December 31, 2012


I'm a little obsessed with this app.  If you follow me on twitter, you probably know this by now.  It's ridiculously fun.  It's pretty much like Instagram, but instead of pictures, it's gifs!  You know, those cool picture/video collage thingies.  I really have no way of explaining them.  Anywho, you should all download the gifboom app and spread the word about how freaking cool it is!  Here are some of the gifs I've made so far.







I even have a couple more.  It's so fun.  Seriously, download it.  I'm @sarahreed99 if you wanted to know.  Haha.

♥, Sarah

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Catch-Up

Ok, I've been gone a while.  But it's only because of this.

{view on Insta}

I GOT AN IPOD 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You all know how much I wanted this, right?  I may or may not have shed tears over it.  First world pains, I guess.  Haha!

But seriously, I didn't think I was getting it because the deal was I had to pay half, and I didn't have the money!  But my parents decided to give it to me before I actually could give them the money.  Love them.

Anywho, I've been on it 24/7.  I'm literally always  on it.  Always!  Hence why, I haven't really been on blogger since Tuesday.

Anyways, my new life as an iPodder has involved lots of freaking hilarious things.  Please see.

{View on Insta}

Oh how I love Siri.....  and AutoCorrect, well sometimes.  Haha!

Anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful  Christmas full of cheer!  

♥, Sarah

Monday, December 24, 2012

Blog Swap: My Life In Pink

Rebekah and I decided to do a blog swap about Christmas!  She's super great, so I hope you enjoy!  And follow her when your done reading! 


Hey! My name is Rebekah and I am here guest posting on Sarah's blog.

I am going to talk about my Christmas traditions in my family. We have lots, so I will only share a few.

Every year we see Santa! (of course)

Every Christmas morning we line up on the stairs from youngest to oldest. Then we walk down the stairs singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". We run into our living room and open everything up!

Also, everyone in my family gets their own box and we decorate it. That is where we put all of our presents!

Lastly, we do the Christmas nativity. My grandma directs it, and it gets intense! We have a sound track with the people telling the story on it and songs. We have costumes and a stage. This year i was mary. Let me just say, it was so awkward! My cousin was Joseph and we couldn't stop laughing.

Those are some of my family traditions at Christmas time. Thanks Sarah for letting me blog swap with you! merry Christmas everyone!

Music Monday

You guys might be expecting a Christmas song, with it being Christmas Eve and all, but, call me a Scrooge, I don't listen to Christmas music.  On my own free will, that is.  I love Christmas Music!  But I would much rather listen to my own music.  It's totally fine and appreciated when others play it, but... yeah.  Sorry..


Today's song is....

{View on Instagram}

Literally been obsessed with this songs since Saturday.  Haha.  Been on repeat.

Merry Christmas Eve!

♥, Sarah

Stay tuned for a blog swap with My Life in Pink later today!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Adam.

My friend, Jill, told me today was "Christmas Adam" today.  Makes sense right?  Tomorrow's Christmas Eve, so...  yeah.

Anywho, today was an awesome day!

We had a seriously awesome Sunday School lesson.  We watched a Christmas video and then shared our thoughts about what the Savior has done for us in our lives.  It was so amazing.

And then in Young Women's, all the Branch leaders gave a truly amazing lesson.  I was so touched.

And after that, in Sacrament Meeting, it was the Ward Choir Christmas Program!  And I was part of it!  It was so beautiful.  So glad I was in it.

Anyway, this was my Christmas outfit.  I know, it's not in Christmas colors, but black and white is wintery enough, right?

{Glasses: borrowed from my sister, Chanel,
Shirt: f21,
Belt: No clue,
Skirt: f21,
Tights: Target,
Socks: Target,
Boots: Kohl's}

{Awkard "Touch a Tree" Photo.}

Then this is what I changed into afterward, I literally just slipped on some pants and a sweater and I was done.  So comfy, too.

{Sweater:  Hand-me-down,
Pants:  I actually have no clue, probably Kohl's,
Shoes:  Tilly's}

Before and after!!

{view on Instagram}
Yuppers, Merry Christmas Adam and then Christmas Eve in less than 30 minutes, if you live here!

♥, Sarah

P.S.  I finally got boots socks!  Thanks Mom!

All photo credit:  Chanel, my beloved sister.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

a l l i s o n l e i g h a n n ♥

I redid Allison's blog recently and I just finished today!  She and her blog posts are super cute.  You should all go follow her!  Ok?  Ok.  Dealio!


^^Click Above^^

♥, Sarah

Friday, December 21, 2012

"They Kinda Go Up and Down Like a Stock Market."

This kid seriously cracks me up.

"Who knows you could get married?"

My friend, Rebekah, sent me this a while ago, I just watched it.  (Great friend, huh?)

♥, Sarah

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Like There's No Tomorrow.

So the world is supposed to end tomorrow huh?

I personally don't think it will, but if you do, go ahead and listen to Die Young, Live While We're Young, and YOLO all you want.  I'm good with that.

Right now, I really like listening to Party Like It's 1999.  I feel it fits.


^^I'm hyper.  My sister and I decided that if I ever drank caffeine, I would go temporarily insane.  Just saying.

I saw this tweet....

And almost died of laughter.  Hahahahahahaha.

Anyways, I hope I get to blog to you all tomorrow!

♥, Sarah

P.S.  Sorry if you think I'm taking this way to casually.  Just sorry.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Donate here.

♥, Sarah

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Katy Perry Movie

Last night I finally watched the Katy Perry Movie with some friends.  It made me like her a lot more.  I learned she's a lot, well, weirder than I thought.  Haha.  It's great though, because she's not afraid to be who she is.  Which is cool.

Her divorce with Russell Brand was a lot more sad than I thought, too!  Sad day.

Anywho, yesterday, I ate the first orange I've eaten all season!  It was delicious.  I forgot how much I love oranges.

It's a little bit foggy outside right now.  I'm stinkin' in love with this weather!  It's been cold and rainy and cold!  I'm very very very satisfied.  :)

♥, Sarah

Friday, December 14, 2012


Pinned Image

It's finally the freaking weekend!  My life is good again.  Or at least for the next 3 days.  Because then I go back to school to take finals.  Hip Hip Booray.  Ha.

When that last bell rang, I said to my friend.  "Hallelujah, joy to the world, and glory to the weekend."  Just, it didn't come out that fast or sounding that cool.  Haha!  :)

Happy Friday!

♥, Sarah

P.S. I got super lazy for the Sponsoring.  I didn't really take anybody's sponsor off my blog that didn't ask, but if you did ask, I put yours up.  Just to let you know.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


These are some of my thoughts today:

// I was so happy and sing-songy and giggly all day, totally regarding the fact that I had tons of homework waiting me at home.

// The biggest reason as to why ^ is because I'm pretty sure I'll be temporarily/permamently slap-happy from lack of sleep.

// I think teachers just decide to torment us around finals by telling us to get good sleep and study, but giving us so much homework that we can't do any of it.

stop giving us homework and i can actually answer truthfully, "great!"
// Humans are great.  I mean, like some people just make life worth living.

// 12/12/12 . 12:12:12 was awesome. 

{Yes, I wrote Monday.  Don't Judge.  It's the week before finals and I'm tired.}
{And yes, I was the only person who wrote it down.  Call me a nerd.  I don't have an iPod to take a picture!"
// Yes, I have homework I could be doing.  No, I don't want to do it.

// Sometimes I tell myself, "I quit."  But then I wake up and go to school and stay up for hours doing homework.  Ugh.

// We did our "High School Plans" today.  I love math, but the name for my senior math class scares me.  "AP Calculus/Analytical Geometry."  I mean what?

//  I need sleep.  Otherwise I'll start laughing so hard that my cheeks will hurt.  Again.

// I finally went "hay ride caroling."  I've wanted to do it since I was little, and we did it for mutual tonight.  I was happy.  Even if my singing was completely off key the WHOLE TIME.

// I hate English.

// I have so many thoughts inside my head.

And I'm not going to bore you all to death and keep naming them.  So yeah bye.

Pinned Image

♥, Sarah

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

music monday ... a day late.

sorry guys, my life has been so busy with my book report and other homework for a while, so, truth is, i haven't been posting much.  and i haven't even put up sponsors yet.  yup, i'm behind.

anywhooooo...  music monday:

ever since, harry {styles} tweeted about these girls, i've been obsessed.  they're pretty darn good.  so, look 'em up, listen to their covers below, or just, do something.

♥, Sarah

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Insta

I officially have a bit more of a social {media} life.  In other words, I have an Instagram!


Follow me {@sarahreed99} below.

instagram 35

Yup.  I'm pretty psyched.  :)

♥, Sarah

P.S. Tomorrow is the last day for December Sponsors!  NOTE:  Your ad will be taken off if you do not renew!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Oh, You Know, Just That Time I Was in the Newspaper.

{I was in the Beehive for this.  I can dig it.  Glad I wore make up, too.}


Oh. and They spelled my name wrong.  You can now call me, "Saran Reed."  Jokes.

♥, Sarah

P.S.  Five more days to sign up for December Sponsors!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Music Monday

Today's song is...

Bette Davis Eyes  // Kim Carnes

But even better, Taylor Swift's cover of it.  {I definitely like her version better.}

I've really been loving the 1980's lately.  It's kind of a recent, random obsession.  Maybe a post about it?  I just might have to.

♥, Sarah

P.S.  Don't forget about December Sponsors!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I Love You Followers With All My Passion

Ok, guys I'm seriously so happy.  I've finally reached my goal of 20 followers!!  I woke up this morning checked my blog and saw 20 followers right there on my dashboard.  Sweeeeeeettt!  Haha, seriously though, I'm so happy, I would do a giveaway, but I'm broke and have nothing to giveaway.  :(  Maybe I'll think of something else wonderful to do.  I'll keep it in mind.

Anyways....  now I'm onto my next goal of 50 followers!  Oh gracious....  :)

Love you all!

♥, Sarah

P.S.  Don't forget about December Sponsors!  Oh!  And a quick note: Your buttons will be put up December 1st if you sign up or renew.  :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Lincoln + Book Report

Anne of Green Gables book

I have a book report due in about 13 days.  I'm on page 69 out of 309.  Talk about stress.  So today has been dedicated to reading Anne of Green Gables with my favorite "ho ho ho" blanket and just read.  I'm sure it would be a wonderful book if I wasn't so stressed about reading it!  Haha, but seriously.  It's amazing, it's just hard to appreciate it.

On a happier note, I saw Lincoln Yesterday!

It was really, really good.  It was all about passing the 13th amendment.  And you know how I love anything political or having to do with office.  It just interests me so much.  Anyways, I highly recommend it.  The actors are amazing {especially Josh Gordon Levitt, he was a pleasant surprise.} and Daniel Day-Lewis {Lincoln} looked so much like Abe Lincoln himself!  It was great.    All you have to watch out for it's repetitive language.  Gosh darn it this world.

So, in closing, don't procrastinate your book reports and see Lincoln.  Kapeesh?  Kapeesh.

♥, Sarah

P.S.  Don't forget about December Sponsors!!  :)

December Sponsor

I'm now taking offers for December Sponsors!

You can comment on my Sponsor page from now until December 1st to either renew your sponsor or start one.

My sponsor is a button swap.  {Read more here.}


If you were a November Sponsor and you do not ask to renew your sponsor for December, your button will be taken off my blog.

And, if you would like to start a button swap with me, also comment on my Sponsor page.

♥, Sarah

Friday, November 23, 2012

"Santa Claus is Coming to Town"

It's officially Christmas Season!

I couldn't be happier!!!

Some things that make it feel like Christmas:

// putting up Christmas decorations
// Christmas music
// mint M & M's
// nativities
// our Christmas tree
// Santa hats!!^^
// the mini Chrismas tree in my room.  :)

What makes it feel like Christmas for you?

♥, Sarah