Monday, September 24, 2012

anouncements and zodiac signs.

so, i take this class called video journalism, but let's call it vj, for short.  our basic responsibility in the class is being in charge of all video announcements.  and so, students take turns being anchors, being on teleprompter, camera, computer, or being production manager.  it's pretty great.  but anyways...

two weeks ago, sami g and i were anchors!!  it was so fun.  so. fun!  although i was horrified the first day, it was all good.  you're super scared the first day, thinking that everybody's watching you, but really, {even though everybody is watching you,} you are in a room full of about 5 people and everyone else is somewhere in the school.  

but yeah.  being anchors, you have a few things to do.

the first thing is create a theme.  our them was zodiac signs.  good one.  right?

the second thing is obviously say the announcements every day on camera as pro as possible.

the third and last thing is create a monday and friday video!  and tradition on the friday video is to take wacky pictures on photo booth and upload them to the vid.

{bug eye's effect. lol.}

{sami g couldn't stop laughing.  she just couldn't.}

here's the video.  enjoy!

{sands stands for samantha and sarah.  good one right?  haha.  :D }

it was so fun!  thanks to sami g for being such a great partner!!  :D

♥, sarah


  1. The vid. Was so awesome and u were so good in the announcements and I love that song they were playing
    P.s. Rabekah u did great and sterbergh is so funny I love having u in social studies sarah :D

    1. thanks steph!

      love ya like a sista!

      ♥, sarah

  2. The faces get me everytime. Especially Sami g's laughing one! Hahaha. Cute girls! I didn't see the video but now I can! How cute!

  3. aww thanks sarah! you were a great partner and i wish you could be mine again this week :( oh well we'll have lots of chances! :)


    1. thanks! you, too, were an epic partner!

      ♥, sarah

  4. that was really cool sarah! i want to do that sometime...

    1. thanks hbanana! it was so fun! you should do it! remember to take vj in 8th grade!! :D

      ♥, sarah
