Thursday, September 20, 2012

uuuuuhhhh. i'm dedicated.

#LWWY artwork!!!!  i'm so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :D

so.... you guys remember this post?  well, guys, LIVE WHILE WE'RE YOUNG IS OUT!!!!!!!  aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!  i can't even take my excitement.  let me just tell you about my day.

i woke up and after going on twitter, realized that. today. was. the. day!!!!  i started freaking out for 2 reasons.

1.} i was super freaking absolutely uber excited!  and....
2.} it was going to be coming out while i was at school.

yeah.  the last one ain't too happy.  but, i survived {barely.}

so, i get to school practically screaming at everybody that the song was coming out.

and at 10:00, which is in between classes, i was on the verge of crying and screaming and dying all at one time.  i saw my friend, kallee, in the courtyard and told her, "one direction's new song is playing somewhere in the world right now!"  she told me later, that the person she was walking with said, "wow, she's obsessed."

and then at 11:00, i was in my second hour, science, and i was about to die, because that was the time the music video was coming out on vevo!  but i was too distracted to really react because we were on a really awkward subject at the moment... {oh science, why do you torture me?}

and then i was freaking out pretty much the rest of the day.  telling people my sob story of not being able to be at my house and wanting to ditch school, etc....

and then in 6th hour... well, i wanted to die, again {like i've wanted to all day}, because it was almost time to go home!

and, luckily, my mum was picking the carpool up from school, so i was silently searching on the radio, hoping/knowing {i had a feeling in my gut} that it would be on somewhere.  i had gone through most of the stations, and thought there was no more hope, when i turn to 104.7.  it's a song i've never heard before, and it sounded quite like one direction.  i was {again, silently} freaking out.  and then i hear it, "tonight let's get some... {pause} and live while we're young!  i started freaking out and my head automatically whipped back to julie in the back seat.  and this was our basic conversation,

me- "this is it!!!"
jules- "i know!!"
me- "aaaahhhhh!"
me- "i didn't know if this was it!"
jules- "me either!"
both of us-  "aaahhh!"
boys in this carpool- "oh my gosh..."

and then i proceeded to freak out and preach to everyone in the car my profound  love for 1D.

and then one of the boys asked the one other girl in the car {besides julie and i} if she like one direction and she grins and is like "yeah!"  it was great.  she's great.  that cute little sevie.

seriously, though, words cannot express my freak out about it.  i kept putting my hand on my face all wonky.  and this guy in my carpool was all, "why do you put your hand on your face?"  and i'm all.  "i don't know, i just freak out and don't know what to do with my hands!"  hahahaha.  it was great.

and then as soon as everyone was out of the car, this was the basic conversation i had with my mom,

mom- "they're just boys"
me- *pull out 1D cd* "look at them!  they are not just boys!"
mom- "this isn't the 2nd coming."
me- "yeah, but..."
mom- "this isn't religious!"  *smiles*
me- "yeah, but if i were to freak out like this during something religious, it wouldn't be very reverent!!!"
mom-  "haha, this is true."

hahahaha.  "it wouldn't be reverent."  good one, right?

but anyways, so as soon as i walk in the door, i freak out tell my dad the story, run into the library, put my lunch away, found the vid on vevo and some other website.  watched it.  almost died.  and now i know every word and it's on constant repeat.

and now, for the whole reason of this {freaking long} post.  the music video.

isn't it stinking amazing?!?!?!  i love the song.  i love the video.  i love them.  !!!

♥, sarah

p.s.  don't you just like seriously love the vid with a passion?  all of their music videos are so different.  they're so cool!  and always have the cutest decorations.  {notice the adorable banners in the vid above.}  gratz to the person {or people} who decorate and make props for their vids.  i'm proud of you.  :D


  1. i love it & love that you posted it on all 3 blogs!!

    1. hahahaha. i love it too. {which i guess you figured is why i posted it on 3 blogs....} haha! :D

      ♥, sarah

  2. I need to hear this song! Kevin likes one direction! I really want to be in your science class. When it is not awkie of course.

    1. it's so great!! kevin? do you mean kevin as in my neighbor? or kevin as in the pigeon? {or someone else?} i'm guessing you mean my neighbor. haha. i can see him liking them. i guess? haha. jc absolutely hates them. like HATES them. it was kind of hilarious. hahaha.

      you should be in my science class. it's pretty great. but pretty awkie too. haha. :D

      ♥, sarah

  3. Hahahah! Oh my heck. I just laughed out loud at the "That wouldn't be reverent" part. So true! Haha. Best reasoning ever! Also, when it came out, we all watched it on somebody's smart phone during school! We had to freak out and fangirl quitely...but, it worked. It was sooooo amazing! :) Lovely post.

    1. haha. thank goodness for smart phones! greatest. invention. ever.

      ♥, sarah
