Sunday, December 01, 2019

December, yr. ii


Finally, I can sing Christmas music and no one can yell at me for it.


We're in the final stretch of the semester. Winter break is coming, which means warm Arizona, family (all of them!), Christmas, Haley, and the New Year.

31 days until the new year. 31 days until 2020.

2020's gonna be a big year.

All right. Well, bring it, December. I'm ready to finish this year off with a bang.

November, yr. ii, pt. ii

November, it's been a wild one.

It's been a month of thinking, feeling, and understanding - all in a self-reflective sense.

It's been fun, it's been cold, and it's been hard too.

But when I think back to last November, I can see how far I've come.

I'm grateful for growth.

See ya next year, November.