Saturday, October 26, 2013

I Think I Like High School.

{taylor, mckenna, me, katelyn, rebekah}
last night was the last home game of the season, so behind the stands student council were throwing red and blue powder paint everywhere and smacking students with pantyhose filled with the powder. It was really quite hilarious. Overall, it was a super fun night!
Pretty much I've come to the realization that I really just love high school. The fact that I've been through elementary school, junior high, and am now starting my last four years of high school is absolutely insane.

Also, I've realized that some people are just really nice. A girl in one of my classes, that I barely know, said "hey" to me the other day. We got new seats in a class a few weeks ago, and the kid I sit next to now totally introduced himself! (I feel like we need more people like that in this world) Some guy at the game last night let these kids put face paint all over him, his shirt, his arms, all over - it was pretty awesome. People are just amazing.

Life is pretty great. 

Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. SO glad you're loving high school!! That picture is adorable.
