Sunday, July 29, 2012

pioneer day trip: day 2

so, on day 2 of our trip we woke up, got ready, and then babysat my cousins {note:  shelbie is my cousin, but from the other side of my family. she is not related to the g-ma whose house we're at, but we're all pretty close.}  it was a bit hectic {when is babysitting not?, but way fun.  they pretty much just watched the "spubbob" {spongebob} movie the whole time, which was nice.

we also went to see the horses across the street from my grandma's house and pet them.  {we did this every day, like twice a day, but i just might not add it in.}

later that day, we got ready for the rodeo {!!!!} they have up there every year pima is in charge of the parade and oh my goodness, i was psyched!  it was going to be my first rodeo that i had been waiting for since around the beginning of 6th grade!  it was soooooooo fun!  i almost died of happiness.  and i might add that there were a lot of cute cowboys there.  a lot.  and some cute little cowboys, too.  we got home around 10:30 or 11 and got ready and went to bed.

day 3 coming later today! {sorry i didn't post this yesterday sorry no pics today...  i didn't take much on the trip, though.

♥, sarah

p.s.  i finally got my schedule for school!!!  i don't know half of my teachers, but it's all good.  i just hope my p.e. teacher isn't a boy!!!!  that would be tough.  :(

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