Friday, July 13, 2012


k, so, i need to make money.  fast.  so i can buy myself one of these lovely things.

my other ipod...

{i have the gray one}

 is amazing, but the power button is broken, so it's basically useless unless i have my ihome right next to me to plug it in.  and it doesn't help that the things over warranty.  yeah.  i know.  it's tragic.  i'm freaking out.  {especially because i'm going out-of-town in a week and i most likely won't have my new one by then  :(  ...}

so, any ideas on how to make some major money fast?  enough for this: the refurbished 32gb ipod touch 5th generation for $249.  please, please, please help me out.  thanks bunches!

♥, sarah

p.s.  it's friday the 13th again!  no weird dreams about fat cats this time, though...  haha!  :D

1 comment:

  1. I want one too! They are very expensive and I have NO idea what to do. :(
