Saturday, September 29, 2012

100th post!

yeeeeee haw!  100 posts!  woot woot!  haha.  i may or may not have been waiting for this for like, ever.  haha.  but then i couldn't figure out what i could do so special for it!  so i looked it up and... came up with telling you 100 things about me.  i know it's a lot of info at once.  read it if you want.  haha.  but here we go...

  1. i love one direction {never saw that coming, huh?  haha.}
  2. i love love love taylor swift with all my passion!
  3. 3 is one of my favorite numbers.
  4. i absolutely love being a teenager.  i just absolutely love it.
  5. spiderman is definitely my favorite super hero.
  6. i think it's fun {although sometimes a bit stressful} being in the beehive's presidency {as the secretary}
  7. math is one of my favorite subjects.  {but only when it's not like when i  don't get a thing.  [sorry for the double negative...]}
  8. 7 is one of my favorite numbers.
  9. i like school {*cough cough* nerd.}
  10. i like to go to football games.  not because of the football {i don't understand that  sport at all}, but for social reasons.
  11. i loooovvvveeeee music!  without it, my life would suck.  period.
  12. i like long car rides because it gives me an excuse to listen to music for a long time and do nothing.
  13. it bugs me to be in cars without music.  really truly.  i get a bit... bugged!
  14. i want an ipod touch soooooo bad!  so bad!
  15. 13 is one of my favorite numbers.
  16. i really really wish i had an instagram.
  17. i strongly believe in the curing powers of ice cream.
  18. i'm a sucker for movies.  every movie i watch i end up loving.  it's kind of sad.
  19. i think learning spanish is so fun!
  20. i am pretty darn satisfied with how my life is turning out.
  21. i have the best friends on the planet.  they are the
  22. i hate writing {as a subject.} i find it so difficult.  yet i love blogging.  weird.
  23. i like sad songs and movies.  who knows why?    it's not that i like to be sad, but... i don't know.
  24. i cry bawl in movies.  especially when someone dies.
  25. {well those 2 were sad...}  i cant wait to drive.  {2-ish years!}
  26. i love it when i realize "what the heck, i'm a teen!"  because i've been waiting for these times since i was like, 2.
  27. i love love.  haha.  i just love love stories so so so much!  they are so cute!  i just can't wait to know mine.  :D
  28. i love ice cream and brownies and sugar.
  29. i'm starting to take an interest in the band fun.  so, we'll see where that goes.
  30. i'm also starting to take an interest in demi lovato.
  31. i kind of couldn't love jb anymore.  but i could also care less.
  32. i'm really enjoying learning genetics.  {NOT}
  33. i take an interest in photography.
  34. i want to be an at-home graphic designer.
  35. i scream whenever i {unexpectingly} hear a one direction song, i scream.
  36. i am addicted to pinterest.
  37. i am, also, addicted to twitter.
  38. i am addicted to blogger.
  39. i am addicted to gmail.
  40. i am addicted to my computer.
  41. i think trying to write 100 facts about me is starting really hard.
  42. i participate in a total of 6 blogs.  {1 of which is set as private.}
  43. the ones that aren't private are:
    this one
  44. a redhead's photography,
  45. harry potterness,
  46. the sounds of music,
  47. those {awkward} redheads
  48. i wish i was athletic, but i'm not.
  49. i really want to get in shape.  i sincerely feel tired and weak and winded after the dumbest things.
  50. i really want to learn ukulele.
  51. i'm kind of in love with politics.
  52. i like really annoying songs.  well, according to others, they are usually annoying.
  53. i really need  to start exercising.  like really, really, a lot.
  54. i really need to eat healthier.
  55. i really wish homework didn't exist.
  56. i wish my hair was wavy.  or at least would stay in waves.
  57. my favorite line of any song ever is... "you pull my chair out and help me in, and you don't know how nice that is, but i do." -begin again // taylor swift
  58. i love it when boys are sweet enough to do things as the line from the song above ^
  59. popcorn is my favoritist thing in the world.  i would die with out it.
  60. i like {well, need} to be organized.
  61. i can be very picky at times.
  62. i can also be pretty awkie at times.
  63. i'm starting to want to stop here on this list.
  64. i am loving junior high.  {for the most part}
  65. i love planning parties!!  :D
  66. i like interior design.
  67. i want to read a lot of books, but i'm not a huge fan of reading.
  68. ^which is weird because i love harry potter and hunger games.
  69. i believe disney channel is the best thing ever.
  70. i'm addicted to the voice, yet i've only seen 1 episode.
  71. i was obsessed with american idol the year scotty mccreery won.
  72. i kind of want to live in ireland when i grow up.  just kind of.
  73. i've wanted to go to england since i was really little.
  74. i've wanted to learn sign language for as long as i can remember.
  75. i have to make everything as cute as possible.  everything.
  76. i was ginny for halloween last year.
  77. i went to a taylor swift concert on october 22, 2011.  so amazing.
  78. i think cats are cute.
  79. i think dogs are cute.
  80. white tigers have always been one of my favorite animals.
  81. i'm watching 101 dalmations right now with my little cousins.
  82. cruella de vil creeps me out.
  83. now i feel like listening to cruella de vil  by selena gomez.  i haven't hear that song in ages.
  84. i freaking love british accents.
  85. i also love irish accents with a passion!
  86. i love accents. period.
  87. i want to run track in high school.
  88. puppies are the cutest things ever.
  89. puppy love is cute.
  90. bow ties are adorable on boys.
  91. "how to rock" is one of my favorite shows.
  92. somedays i feel crafty.  somedays i don't.
  93. when i'm tired, i usually don't go to bed.
  94. these are my favorite songs right now.
  95. i'm sooooo excited for hot cocoa and long sleeves and  colored leaves.
  96. fall is my favorite season.
  97. i'm excited for fall and winter fashions.
  98. i think little kids are cute.
  99. life is great.
  100. i can't believe i actually made this list last until one hundred
welp, i hope you learned something new!  {well, if you bothered to read the whole thing.  haha!}  love you all and thank you for reading my blog!!!!

loads of love ♥, sarah


  1. aww! how cute! i knew like 99 percent to this but thats so cool youi reached 100 posts!

    1. haha. thanks! you know me well sista! haha. :D

      ♥, sarah

  2. I can honestly say I read every single one on the list. Can we just be like sisters? I seriously have like 89% similarities.

    1. good one. that would be awesome if we were sisters. i almost consider all of us friends sistas anyways. :D

      ♥, sarah

  3. :) ( like on my binder last year) :)

  4. No stinking way! You finished it!!!!!! Horray!

