Thursday, September 20, 2012

ice cream social. with a twist. :D

so...  this past wednesday for the super combined mutual, the mia maids planned an ice cream social with a twist!

the first half was learning manners and such.  some things were very nice to learn.  apparently you aren't supposed to chew on the phone?  hahahaha. {sorry liz.}  lol.

and then we went in the parking lot and had to sit boy, girl, boy, girl at each table.  but there wasn't enough boys, so i was with a girl.  {which i was totes fine with.  :D }

also, we had to tie one arm with the person next to you.  {hence the importance of the pattern, boy, girl, to make it as awkie as possible!}  we couldn't use our other arm at all and we had to get a bowl of ice cream {or 2, obviously, that's more appropriate for boy and girl....} and put all of the toppings on.  it was so fun, but, what the mia maids didn't see coming was....

a food fight.

yes.  a food fight.  a freaking ice cream food fight!

it was the best night of my life.  the best.

i always thought that doing something like that would be so fun!  pouring chocolate syrup and caramel all over people, flicking spoons of ice cream everywhere, and hugging each other with whipped cream getting everywhere.  {literally, jill hugged me and somehow i ended up with whipped cream in my pits.  ha.  hahahaha!...  :P }

but overall, it was awesome.

{stephanie, me, julie, jill, kallee}

oh.  and i got to cross this off my bucketlist.

That would be so fun! 

♥, sarah


  1. I totally had the best one. Haha! I look like a scary tan lady. With yellow hair.

    1. you don't look scary! and you don't have yellow hair! love ya!

      ♥, sarah

      p.s. i have a few "what if" stories from tonight you may want to hear about. {beware: you may or may not marry a bald man.}

  2. hahaha it was so funny, when we learned manners i did practically all of then wrong, (obviously chewing on the phone)
    love ya,

    1. haha. that was so funny when they made you get up and you were "going to a dance" with brandon clark. hahahahaha! lol funny. :D

      ♥, sarah
