Wednesday, October 10, 2012

follow follow follow follow and follow

k, peeps, so recently {as in last night and this morning},  i did some final touches on my blog design.  including...

// a social media link bar!

{google +, twitter, pinterest, bloglovin', flickr}
// a finished "about the redhead" page!
// new button sizes!  
// labels {on the sidebar} >>>>>> &
// a new spot for my tabs! ^
yep, but anyways... back to the link bar!
i'm just gonna come out and say it.  follow me!  click on the bar above and follow, follow, follow, follow, and follow!  please?  haha.  let's get this blog rollin'! 
i've said it before, and i'm gonna say it again.  my goal right now is 20 followers.  6 more!  spread the word.  again, please?  love you all.  ♥

♥, sarah