Monday, October 08, 2012

music monday!

ok, im not going to suggest just one song today.  instead i'm going to tell you my love for the beatles.  and a few of their songs.

so lately, i've kinda been lovin' the beatles.  their pretty darn great!  i really like their album "revolver."

here are my favorite songs off of it:

// taxman
// eleanor rigby
// i'm only sleeping
// yellow submarine

and some of my other favorites:

//  can't buy me love
// hello goodbye

yup!  their pretty darn great.  my dad and i sometimes have mini not-loud arguments over who's better, beatles or one direction.  haha.  i love 'em both.  but...  1D all the way.

oh!  and i really want beatles rockband!  a lot!  what a nerd...  haha.  it's so fun, though.  so fun.

♥, sarah