Sunday, December 16, 2012

Katy Perry Movie

Last night I finally watched the Katy Perry Movie with some friends.  It made me like her a lot more.  I learned she's a lot, well, weirder than I thought.  Haha.  It's great though, because she's not afraid to be who she is.  Which is cool.

Her divorce with Russell Brand was a lot more sad than I thought, too!  Sad day.

Anywho, yesterday, I ate the first orange I've eaten all season!  It was delicious.  I forgot how much I love oranges.

It's a little bit foggy outside right now.  I'm stinkin' in love with this weather!  It's been cold and rainy and cold!  I'm very very very satisfied.  :)

♥, Sarah


  1. Haha! It wasn't too bad was it? Haha! I HAVE TOO TELL YOU A STORY OR 2 TOMORROW!!! Remind me!

    1. Hahaha. It was a great movie.

      Ok! I'll have you tell me today!

      ♥, Sarah

  2. Haha. I don't LOVE it, but I like it enough to say I love it. Hahahaha, that made no sense.

    ♥, Sarah

  3. Sarah! I'm just a fellow blogger passing by that you probably don't know but I think your blog is adorable! Keep up the good work!
