Thursday, August 16, 2012

woooooo hoooooooooo!!!!!

and of course, there's an edited one... {he he.} 

{edited by chanel}
{shirt: etsy
shade: downeast basics
black skinnies: jcpenny's
earings: charlotte russe} 

ok guys, so you remember that 1D shirt i told you i was getting?!  well...  i finally got it!!  and i. am. PSYCHED!!!  woooooo hoooooooooo!!!!!

but.  when i got it, it was too big!  i almost had a mental breakdown, but then i thought, "why not make it into a racerback!"  and, with the help of my mum, i did! we just tied 2 different ribbon knots on and cut them.  here's the pics:

yup!  welp, i was pretty ecstatic when i got it.  i walked in my room and saw it lying on my bed and, literally, went "huuuuuuhhhh!!!"  {you know that dramatic breath in you do when you are shocked or excited...}  

oh.  and it's spirit week at school this week.  today was jersey day, so i wore this shirt and said it was my, "one direction jersey."  that counts.  right?  haha.

♥, sarah

p.s.  happy late birthday to my good friend jill!!  it was yesterday, but i was very, very busy with homework and all...


  1. I love your shirt sarah i especially like how you made it into a racerback LOVE IT awesome idea welp see ya :) :)

    1. thank you thank you!!! love ya!

      ♥, sarah

  2. Never seen a better jersey in my life! Sassy sassy!

  3. that is super cute! i love it:)

  4. That is the best shirt ever! I will be getting one! haha.

