Monday, November 12, 2012

hacking your friend's facebook is normal right?

even if none of the people you hacked it with, have a facebook themselves?

{because 2 of us were in her cover photo}

{random rambling of julie, think about it.}

{this one is just awkward.... and keekee, don't get mad at me for using the 's' word.... [sexy]}
well.... after we partied with liz and all... people came over to my house to get picked up by their parents.  my friend katelyn {who i'm trying to get to make a blog...} wanted to show me her cousin on facebook.  but in the middle of showing me, she had to leave!  so... she told me i could keep looking on it, but to sign out afterwards.  {she should have never trusted me....}  a few minutes before this happened i saw this post, so i told the remaining people at my house {rebekah and julie}, "hey! we should post something on katelyn's facebook!"  so we did.  and then we did again.  and then we admitted to the crime.  yup.  we're practically famous.  {hahaha no.}

so today was basically full of YOLOing.  :)  {don't mind me if i use this phrase for everything i do...}

♥, sarah