Sunday, November 04, 2012

{layers} + {sponsors}

{sweater & dress:  hand-me-downs,
tights: probably wal mart or target from a million years ago,
boots: target,
earrings: charlotte russe}

i don't even care if it's still 80 degrees here in arizona, it's been boots, sweaters, and tights galore for me!  i mean, i've said it before, but it's just so unfair!  it's cold and autumn everywhere else {or so it seems} but here!  but.....  i've been layerin' it up anyways.


the lovely november sponsors are on the sidebar so, please, feel free to go check 'em all out and follow their lovely blogs, too.  

oh!  and a reminder that if you told me you wanted to be a sponsor, and your button is up on my blog, please put my button up on your blog.

and if you told me you wanted to sponsor and your button is not up on mine, then please comment below and i will get on that stat!

thank you all!

♥, sarah


  1. cute cute cute hair! love the outfit by the way!
    sami g

  2. I love the texture and outfit of the pics. They are so cute!

    <3 steph

  3. Replies
    1. awww... thanks so much! you are too! :)

      ♥, sarah

  4. Great outfit! Loves!
