Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Take Me Home

{The Album}

{Me with the Album Being Super Psyched.}

{"Liam, First Page, First Page, Liam"}

TAKE ME HOME IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have no clue how much i hyperventilated over it today, it was ridiculous!  I'm so satisfied and amazed and in awe with it.  {Even if i have heard more that half of it because of this}

Every song is so amazing. And i love each and every one equal.  Except for....

Truly, Madly, Deeply on the Target Edition.  

It has some more love going for it.  It's so wonderfully, beautifully, stinkin' ADORABLE!!!!!!

Anyways....  Buy the album!  {Strongly recommended from Target}  And listen to it over and over and over again.  Oh!  and listen to Truly, Madly, Deeply over and over, too.  You won't regret it, even if you aren't a "Directioner."

And don't forget to buy the Yearbook Edition!!!!!!!!!! {Or at least the bonus songs, like I did.}

And honestly, I think this album needs a whole stinking book written about it, but...  I just don't have words to express my fangirl feelings, so....  :)

♥, Sarah

P.S.  Also... on the Today Show today, 1D announced that they are coming out with a movie!!!!  i'm freaking out!!!  August 30, 2012 is going to be the best day of my life.  {Oh. and Niall announced this and he said is soooooo cute with his irish accent.  I will have to find a video of it...}


  1. Cute! I cant wait to listen to there songs im not a directioner but I like there songs :)

    <3 steph

    1. i love it soooooooo much!!!! so much!

      ♥, sarah

  2. Oh Sarah! My mom wouldn't let me buy it! So mad. Enjoy it for me!

    1. oh no! save up the money! it's only 14-16 bucks! that's what i did! all i made my mum do was drive me to target!

      ♥, sarah

  3. i'm not gonna lie i love one direction!
